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by Nourish App

Nutritionist & Dietitians Directory

At Nourish App we support trained, qualified and accountable Registered Nutrtionist & Dietitans. We have developed a direcrtory to promote services from these individuals.

  • Discovery

    The Directory connects qualified Nutritionists & Dietitians with thousands of everyday individuals. More importantly, it facilitates meaningful connections between people and health professionals who can meet their specific needs. Within seconds, someone seeking Low Inflammatory recipes can find and connect with a specialist in that area, ensuring personalized and relevant health guidance.


    Saoirse Kelly

    Associate Registered Nutritionist

    Having been an under-fueled, uneducated athlete myself, I know what it's like to push through under-fueled training, receive inconsistent results, go through the waves of yo-yo dieting, and unhelpful thought patterns.

    Performance Nutrition

    Work with Saoirse


    Nutritionists and Dietitians must meet a certain standard to be listed on the directory.

  • Connect

    Being listed in the Nourish App Directory offers more than just increased visibility. It enables potential customers to directly engage with your services, facilitating instant subscriptions and bookings through our automated systems. Once set up, you can effortlessly manage conferencing, bookings, and payments, all streamlined within the app.