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by Nourish App

Smiling home cook


The messaging system in Nourish App facilitates more meaningful interactions with your customers. Offering the capability to communicate via text, images, and voice, along with access to automated messaging, it significantly saves time and enhances your engagement with clients.

  • Messaging functions

    Rich text format

    The ability to add additional items to your text inlcuding emojis 🥗 makes your interaction more personal.


    An image says 1000 words - you also now have this power through Nourish App.

    Voice recording

    Voice recording offers a unique and efficient way to communicate with clients. It enables you to convey substantial information quickly and effectively, particularly when text format is not suitable or convenient. This tool is especially useful for on-the-go communication.

    Bulk messages

    With bulk messaging, you can swiftly and efficiently communicate the same message to numerous individuals. This feature is particularly useful when combined with group functions, enabling greater automation and streamlined communication.

    Reicpe sharing

    This allows you to share specific recipe with customer but also for them to share recipes with others on the platform!

    Group Messaging

    We understand that building a community can be an improtant part of your business and with group messaging this becomes even easier. Add as many people as you want to a group chat and get the conversations going!

    Happy customer 1 Happy customer 2 Happy customer 3

    Group Message

    Clare, Mike, Sarah +12


    Group messages lets you quickly communicate with people in your Nourish app group.