Recipe suggestions

What are recipe suggestions?

Nourish App's recipe suggestion feature empowers individuals to enjoy the food they love, offering a unique approach to healthy eating. Instead of dictating specific meals at set times, we believe that providing choices is crucial for fostering a happier and healthier lifestyle. This flexibility allows users to embrace a more personalised and enjoyable eating experience.

What are recipe suggestions templates?

When incorporating recipe suggestions into your clients' plans, efficiency is key. Rather than navigating through the entire recipe library, especially when you have established 'go-to' recipes, our platform allows you to streamline this process.

By crafting a recipe suggestion template tailored to specific meal times, such as lunch or dinner, you can effortlessly access your preferred recipes while working on your client's plan. Imagine creating a template for 'easy & quick to prepare' lunchesβ€”this not only saves time but also ensures a curated and personalised approach to meal planning for your clients.

Building recipe suggestion templates

  1. Start by navigating to the 'Templates' button on the left-hand side of the dashboard. Within the Templates section, choose β€˜Recipe Suggestions.’

  2. Access your previously created recipe suggestion templates under β€˜Your Templates’ and explore additional options under the 'Nourish Templates' tab. Initiate the creation process by selecting 'Create Template.'

  3. Assign a name to your template and, if desired, provide a brief yet informative description for clarity.

  4. Specify the meal for which you want to generate recipe suggestions.

  5. Choose up to 30 recipes from the available options.

  6. After selecting your desired recipes, proceed to click 'Create Template.'

Loading in recipe suggestion templates to a clients plan

  1. To utilise the recipe suggestion templates, navigate to a client's planner.

  2. On the right-hand side of each mealtime, locate the β€˜Load Suggestions’ button. Clicking this button will reveal all your saved recipe suggestions.

  3. Click 'Apply' to implement a recipe suggestion template. Once applied, the selected recipes will be incorporated as suggestions for this client.